Our members

Our members are our suppliers - the individuals and organisations who donate their time to help those who apply for resources. To donate time to the skills pool please just complete the sign-up form and email it to [email protected].

If you have any queries prior to signing up, you're welcome to contact us at the same email address.

The sign-up form is here.

What we’re asking of members

We’re appealing to every organisation in Jersey that: (a) has qualified, experienced cyber security or data protection staff; and (b) can afford to donate some of their time to charitable work. The request is simple: please pledge a minimum of ten hours per year of staff time to our pool of cyber security skills, so that we can collectively improve the cyber security of charities and other similar organisations that would otherwise not be able to afford it.

The skills we're looking for

We'd like to attract people with skills across the entire spectrum of information security. That's not just people who can advise on policies and procedures or data protection - we're equally keen to attract hands-on techie people who can check out the security of people's systems and show them how equipment needs to be configured.

What if we already have a chosen charity?

We hope you’ll consider the JCSP as an “as well as”, not “instead of”. Although suppliers will generally already have their own preferred charities, the JCSP is different: instead of raising and donating money to a specific, company-selected charity this is a unique opportunity to contribute to an island-wide charitable resource in an unusual way.

Why should I give away chargeable time?

This question relates mainly to companies selling information security services. The point of the JCSP is that you’re providing help to organisations that can’t afford to employ someone to help with their information security requirements. If you didn’t do it for free, they wouldn’t be in a position to pay you or anyone else to do it – so they simply wouldn’t do it, or they would perhaps have a go but do it badly.

And most of the organisations who would call on the skills pool don’t have full-time committee or board members: they mostly have “day jobs” as well, and they’re likely to have a positive inclination to suppliers who help their charities.

Will competing companies really work together?

Of course – and in fact they already do. The Channel Islands Information Security Forum (CIISF) is itself a group of information security specialists – often from competing commercial outfits – who are working together to promote information security across the Channel Islands. The approach works fine, and there’s no reason it can’t continue to do so with the JCSP.

What obligations are there for the supplier?

Simple: ensure that you deliver on the time you pledge. If your circumstances change and you have to reduce your commitment then that’s fine, of course – please just let us know.

How does it work?

When an organisation applies for assistance, the JCSP Applications Subcommittee will consider the application, and will link an appropriate supplier with the applicant. The Subcommittee will endeavour to share out the work as evenly as possible between suppliers.

What about legal liability?

The application process makes it clear to those applying for resource that it’s supplied with no warranty, and that the member (supplier) accepts no liability for any consequences of the engagement.